Qian Zhongshu once said that life can be summed up as staying at home, going out, and then returning home. The concept of pure home aesthetics involves a desire for beauty and reality, by integrating artistic thinking into our daily lives, we can experience unexpected joy from the expected. Designers work to coordinate the lifestyle and personality needs of their clients and strive to achieve the perfect balance between form and function, giving the space a powerful artistic impact.

We believe that the artistic expression of a residential space can be enhanced through attention to small details. The use of light can guide the visual direction and create unique graphics and elements throughout the space.By reconstructing the regular spatial order, we can bring a natural vitality to even closed spaces.
In the living room, the natural wood color exudes a unique charm. It is not too showy and has a gentle, low saturation tone that is both gentle and aesthetic. It is as if it has been soaked in ethereal zen, and the spectrum is on a flexible natural rhythm.
The TV background board features a white wood veneer splicing that is combined with brown logs in an interdependent and closely connected structure, which gives a very modern aesthetic sense. The space and light and shadow complement each other, resulting in a vivid expression of minimalism and naturalism.
The living room is beautiful with its transparent and bright design that highlights the materials used. The subdued and elegant marble contrasts with the warm and calm wood veneer, while the plain color creates a sense of natural harmony. The simplicity of the design makes it feel relaxed and inviting.
A beautiful and functional kitchen can spark joy in the heart of a cooking enthusiast. A clean and well-designed layout that balances aesthetics with practicality is essential. Separating the kitchen from the living room with transparent glass doors can block smoke while still maintaining a warm and inviting atmosphere. This double fusion of form and function deepens the relationship between the two spaces.
The quality of life is determined by the state of life, and it should be reflected even in the bathroom. A gentle light should be present, creating a mysterious and relaxing atmosphere. The huge mirror cabinet must contain everything, with a hanging table design that is chic and elegant. The water vapour should diffuse, adding a delicate touch to the story. All these elements combine to create an environment that is eagerly anticipated and full of surprises.
The master bedroom follows the concise space atmosphere of the dining room. The foundation is a gray color that creates a tranquil and homely feel. The soft tray decoration contrasts with the white walls and has no other color ornamentation. The spacious floor-toceiling window allows bright sunlight to enter, bringing a refreshing and carefree atmosphere.
The second bedroom has a focus on combining art and humanities. The color scheme is mainly gray and white with a touch of green, which makes it look beautiful and lively. Since it is designed for a child, efficient use of space is also a key consideration. The wardrobe is suspended, which leaves space below for items like books. The bottom of the wardrobe also contains large drawers to cater to the owner's diverse storage needs.
Project Brand: Sacucci
Wood designer:Guoqing Zhou
Project Address: Yiwu
Project Area: ШН DΞSΙGN
Furnishing Designer: Xuguang Chen
Project Execution: ШН DΞSΙGN
Wood essence: Rosewood
Space Photographer: Kim's photography studio
The sole manufacturer:Nantong Feiyun Craft Furniture Co., Ltd.